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Achlys japonica Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/ARare Japanese perennial for cool shade and humus-rich soil, not too dry. Attractive lobed leaves form a carpet as the plant spreads by underground stems. Dense fuzzy spikes of white flowers appear above the leaves.
Aconitum carmichaelii f. album Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/ADistinctive perennial from central Japan, blooming in early autumn, with pure white helmet-shaped flowers.
Aconitum japonicum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/ADistinctive perennial from northern Japan, blooming in early autumn, with clear medium blue helmet-shaped flowers. Valuable for its ease of cultivation and its rigid stems to 2' that do not flop when the plant is in bloom.
Aconitum japonicum var. hakonense Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$125 US$225 US$400 N/A N/ADistinctive perennial from central Japan, blooming in early autumn, with clear medium blue helmet-shaped flowers. Valuable for its ease of cultivation and its rigid stems to 2' that do not flop when the plant is in bloom.
!NEW! Acorus gramineus Omogo Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$125 US$225 US$400 N/A N/A@ The Japanese sweet flag is a very useful landscape plant in its many forms. This type is much taller than the normal Japanese sweet flag, to about 15" tall, but the leaves are still narrow and elegant. It likes wet to moist soil, and will grow in shallow water. If the soil is moist, it can grow in full sun and does very well in light to moderate shade.
Adonis amurensis Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AA favorite Japanese symbol of the new year, it often blooms as early as January here in mid-Zone 6, closing its gorgeous buttery yellow flowers on cold or cloudy days to reappear with the sun. Plant in rich moist well-drained loam in deciduous shade.
Adonis amurensis 'Fukujukai' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 US$700 N/A N/AA favorite Japanese symbol of the new year, it often blooms as early as January here in mid-Zone 6, closing its gorgeous buttery yellow flowers on cold or cloudy days to reappear with the sun. This is one of the earliest cultivars to bloom. Plant in rich moist well-drained loam in deciduous shade.
!NEW! Adonis amurensis 'Chichibu Beni' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$1,250 N/A N/A N/A N/A. Plant in rich moist well-drained loam in deciduous shade.
Ajuga reptans 'Planet Zoak' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$138 US$250 US$450 N/A N/AThe ground cover from outer space, thought to have landed on a meteorite from the plant Zork. This Japanese discovery has upright spoon-shaped leaves that are variously wrinkled and congested, with white, grayish and pink variegation. Sure to delight or offend your gardening friends. USDA Zones 5-9.
Alectrurus yedoensis var. platypetalus Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8, at least Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AWhite small flowers in summer.
!NEW! Allium schoenoprasum var. orientale Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-8 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AAlso known as Allium maximowiczii. This is an alpine allium species from the mountains of central Japan. It grows about a foot tall, with pink button flowers on stiff stems in August. Light shade to sun in a gritty, well-drained soil. Easy.
Alpinia japonica 'Hanafubuki' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8, at least Fall 2005 US$300 US$575 US$1,100 N/A N/AJapanese native ornamental Zinger related perennial with white splashed variegations. Rare and limited offer for fall 2004!
Anemonopsis macrophylla Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$188 US$350 US$650 N/A N/AOne of the aristocrats of the shade garden. Handsome foliage resembles Cimicifuga, topped in late summer by wiry stems bearing pendant pink flowers, to 3 feet tall. Hard to find.
Astilbe simplicifolia Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8, at least Fall 20035 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AJapanese native miniature astilbe. Cute and good for rock gardens.
Cacalia delphinifolia Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Another under-appreciated shade plant from Japan with beautiful shiny maple-shaped leaves. The mound of foliage is topped by a 3' tower of frizzy white flowers in August. Nice contrast with hostas and ferns.
Cardiocrinum cordatum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 US$2,250 US$4,000Giant woodland lily from Japan with bold heart-shaped leaves to 3' tall. Showy white flowers above the leaves in late summer. Rich, moist soil, woodland conditions. Main bulb dies after bloom, leaving offsets for future bloom.
!NEW! Caryopteris divaricata 'Pink Butterfly' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AThe species form of this plant is a beautiful summer-blooming perennial for sun or light shade, growing to about 5 feet tall, with blue flowers. This selection from Japan was selected at Kyushu Sanso En for its soft pink flowers. Needs good drainage to survive the winter.
!NEW! Caryopteris divaricata 'Pink Illumination' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$375 US$700 N/A N/A N/AThe species form of this plant is a beautiful summer-blooming perennial for sun or light shade, growing to about 5 feet tall, with blue flowers. This selection from Japan was selected at Kyushu Sanso En for its soft pink flowers and cream splashed variegated foliage. Needs good drainage to survive the winter.
!NEW! Caryopteris divaricata 'Noshoku' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$375 US$700 N/A N/A N/AThe species form of this plant is a beautiful summer-blooming perennial for sun or light shade, growing to about 5 feet tall, with blue flowers. This selection from Japan was selected at Kyushu Sanso En for its soft pink flowers and cream splashed variegated foliage. Needs good drainage to survive the winter.
Caulophyllum robustum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$138 US$250 US$450 US$2,000 N/AJapanese counterpart of our native blue cohosh, making a 2' mound of Thalictrum-like foliage. The small greenish-yellow flowers are not showy, but the clusters of blue fruits combined with yellow fall color of its leaves are beautiful.
Chionographis japonica Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Shade-loving Japanese native with a rosette of evergreen leaves with rippled margins. Spikes of fuzzy white flowers appear in early summer. Well-drained sandy or humusy soil, not too dry. Good shaded rock garden plant.
Chloranthus japonicus Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Choice, rarely seen shade perennial with a showy spike of white bottlebrush flowers in spring. A 4-parted umbrella of foliage remains over the summer. .
Chloranthus japonicus'Aojiku' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$200 N/A N/A N/A N/ASame as above, albino cultivar with fresh green stems. Very rare.
Chloranthus serratus Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Similar to above, from Japan and China, with later-blooming flowers in a more slender spike, with two spikes per plant.
Cimicifuga japonica Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Bold perennial for shade, with coarse twice-divided leaves and very showy erect spikes of pure white flowers in late summer.
!NEW! Clematis stans 'Festival' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$1,000 N/A N/A N/A N/AThis shrubby, semi-woody clematis has very small tubular blue/purple flowers, but in this new and very rare Japanese selection they are displayed against foliage that is liberally splashed with bright yellow. It is a very cheerful addition to the shade garden. Plant in well-drained soil with light shade or morning sun. Easy and durable.
!NEW! Clethra barbinervis 'Takeda Nishiki' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$250 US$475 US$900 N/A N/AJapanese native decidious tree/shrub with wite splashed variegation, found in Shikoku island by Mr. Takeda and his son. Variegated part turned to reddish-pink in early spring and autumn color. Vigorous and easy to grow.
Codonopsis lanceolata Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 N/A N/AFascinating but rarely seen Northeast Asian perennial herbaceous vine in the bellflower family with large cream and purple bells in August. Like clematis, it wants its roots in the shade and top in the sun. Edible roots.
Coptis japonica var. dissecta Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Diminutive evergreen woodland perennial with fern-like leaves and tiny white starry flowers on dark stems, in early spring. Unique small-scale non-invasive groundcover. Evergreen parsley for shade. Reddish pinwheels of seed pods add summer interest.
Coptis quinquefolia Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Dwarf evergreen woodland perennial with ground cover habitat. White flower in early spring.
Croomia heterocepala Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$138 US$250 US$450 US$2,000 N/AFascinating rarity from Japan, in the little-known family Stemonaceae. This species grows to about 2' tall, resembling Solomon's seal in its overall habit, but with creamy-green "shooting star" shaped flowers hanging beneath the leaves. Easy in woodland shade, not too dry. Play "stump the chump" with your know-it-all friends.
Deinanthe bifida Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$138 US$250 US$450 US$2,000 N/AHandsome shade perennial related to hydrangea. Beautiful foliage plant with each leaf divided in two at the tip. Nodding white flowers in summer.
Dicentra peregrina Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$225 US$425 US$800 N/A N/AThis famous Japanese alpine plant has lovely pink "bleeding heart" flowers. Requires perfect drainage in a scree or trough garden, but with moisture in the root zone, and bright light. Morning to mid-day sun is best in hot-summer climates; full sun in cool-summer climates.
Dicentra peregrina 'Alba' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$225 US$425 US$800 N/A N/AThis is the white-flowered variety of a famous Japanese alpine plant, normally with pink flowers. Requires perfect drainage in a scree or trough garden, but with moisture in the root zone, and bright light. Morning to mid-day sun is best in hot-summer climates; full sun in cool-summer climates.
Diphylleia grayi Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 US$700 N/A N/AJapanese woodland perennial with big umbrella-like leaves, related to Podophyllum. Pretty white flowers bloom above the leaves. Best in cool shade, rich, moist humusy soil, medium to heavy shade. Rarely offered. Blooming size.
Dysosma veitchii Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5b-8 Fall 2005 US$625 US$1,100 US$2,000 N/A N/AThis Chinese mayapple is one of most exciting new shade perennials in years. Fuzzy umbrellas emerge with dark snakeskin markings, often on a red background, changing to patterned green. Flowers can be red, pink, or white. Also called P. delavayi
!NEW! Epimedium sempervirens 'Creamsickle' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5b-8 Fall 2005 US$1,000 N/A N/A N/A N/ARare and unusual variegated epimedium, the most beautiful so far. The leaves are splashed with cream with orangy overtones. Very bold and stable variegation. The showy flowers are white. Foliage is semi-evergreen.
Erythronium japonicum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$100 US$188 US$350 US$1,625 US$3,000The East Asian dogtooth-violet has all the charm of our native species, plus a showy lavender-pink flower. Likes rich moist soil in deciduous shade. Large blooming size.
Eupatorium fortunei 'Alba' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 US$700 N/A N/APure wite flower type Japanese Eupatrium. Very good contrast green stem and white flower.
NEW!Eupatorium fortunei Yellow Margine Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$375 N/A N/A N/A N/APure wite flower type Japanese Eupatrium. Very good contrast green stem and white flower.
Geum japonicum 'Variegatum' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 US$700 N/A N/APure yellow flower Japanese Geum with withe splashed variegation. The color of variegation start pink and fade to white. Rare.
Glaucidium palmatum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$213 US$400 US$750 US$3,500 N/AStar of the early spring garden, this famous Japanese woodlander unfolds its large silky pale purple-pink blossoms while most plants are still sleeping. Moist, well-drained soil in cool shade. Blooming size. Best in cool-summer areas.
Glaucidium palmatum (white-flowered) Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-7 Fall 2005 US$650 US$1,250 US$2,400 N/A N/ARare pure-white-flowered variant of the above.
Heloniopsis orientalis Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 US$2,500Asian counterpart of our swamp pink (Helonias), but this is a rock garden plant with an evergreen rosette of leaves turning purple in winter. Does well in moist, well-drained soil in shade. Scapes of rose-purple flowers in spring. Good trough plant.
Hylomecon hylomeconoides Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AOne of the best shade perennnial with beautiful yellow flowers from early spring to mid summer.
Iris gracilipes Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 N/A N/AA charming woodland iris from Japan with grassy leaves and showy flowers in Spring. The wild type has pale purple flowers; we also offer white and a double purple selection. Great trough or rock garden subject or as a small-scale groundcover. Easy
Iris gracilipes White flower Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-8 Fall 2005 US$138 US$250 US$450 N/A N/ASame as above, with pure white flower.
!NEW! Isopyrum nipponicum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8 Fall 2005 US$300 US$575 US$1,100 N/A N/AElegant early spring blooming perennial for rich woodland soil in shade. The leaves are like a columbine or Thalictrum; the flowers are pale yellow, nodding above the leaves, with a contrasting brown tepal. Likes moist soil. Also known as Dichocarpum nipponicum.
Jeffersonia dubia Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$188 US$350 US$650 US$3,000 US$5,500Famaous woodland rock garden plant from Korea, long cultivated in Japan. Easy in light shade in gritty or gravelly soil where it will form large clumps. Pretty up-facing light blue flowers in early spring are followed by attractive two-lobed leaves.
!With color Photo Labels!
!NEW! Keiskeia japonica Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AA tall woodland perennial for late summer bloom with showy spikes of white flowers on 2-3' stalks.
Kirengeshoma palmata Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$113 US$200 US$350 US$1,500 N/AEssential perennial for structure and contrast in the shade garden. Bold and shrub-like, with gray-green maple-shaped leaves and pendant clusters of waxy pale yellow flowers in late summer.
!NEW! Leucosceptrum japonicum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AJapanese woodland perennial for early autumn bloom. Spikes of soft yellow flowers are held above matte-green leaves on stems about 2 feet tall. Light shade or morning sun.
!NEW! Leucosceptrum japonicum 'Mountain Madness' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 5-9 Fall 2005 US$400 US$775 US$500 N/A N/AA wild and crazy variant of a choice fall blooming perennial. The yellow-splashed foliage harmonizes with the pale yellow flower spikes and adds interest when the plant is not in bloom. Woodsy soil in light to medium shade; not drought tolerant.
Lycoris sanguinea var. kiusiana Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$88 US$163 US$300 US$1,375 US$2,500Neglected but beautiful August-blooming bulb from Japan with clusters of showy orange flowers, with longer more spidery tepals than sanguinea. Leaves appear in spring, disappear before bloom. Moist well-drained soil in shade or-sun.
Lysionotus pauciflorus 'Taiwan Type' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 7-9 Fall 2005 US$125 US$225 US$400 N/A N/AVery vigorous and easy to grow selection from Taiwan. Pale purple flower in early summer.
!NEW! Mitella stylosa var. makinoi Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/A@ Evergreen Japanese woodland shade perennial with metalic silver/bronze color leaves.
!NEW! Oxalis grifithii Double Flower Form Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$400 N/A N/A N/A N/AJapanese woodland Oxalis with green, rough-textured leaves and up-facing fully double white flowers. Easy in woodsy soil in shade.
Panax japonicus Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$100 US$188 US$350 US$1,625 US$3,000Rare native Japanese ginseng, easily grown in humusy soil in shade. Flowers are not showy but the clusters of shiny, vivid red fruits are glorious, displayed high about the compound leaves from summer to early fall.
!NEW! Platycrater arguta Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$250 US$475 US$900 N/A N/ACharming woodland semi-shrub in the hydrangea family to about 18" tall. In late summer clusters of nodding white flowers appear to brighten the shade garden.
NEW! Rabdosia longituba Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8 Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 US$700 N/A N/AThis is an unaccountable neglected Japanese perennial with many virtures, for late fall bloom. Purple flowers are long and tubular, held by the hundreds in airy panicles on stems about 3' tall. One of the most remarkable perennials in the late fall garden. Good for cutting. Morning sun or light shade, good drainage.
NEW! Rabdosia longituba f. alba Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8 Fall 2005 US$250 US$475 US$900 N/A N/AThis is an unaccountable neglected Japanese perennial with many virtures, for late fall bloom. This is the pure white-flowered form of the species, which has purple flowers that are long and tubular. They are held by the hundreds in airy panicles on stems about 3' tall. One of the most remarkable perennials in the late fall garden. Good for cutting. Morning sun or light shade, good drainage.
NEW! Rabdosia longituba 'Momokaze' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8 Fall 2005 US$250 US$475 US$900 N/A N/AThis is a selection of an unaccountable neglected Japanese perennial with many virtures, for late fall bloom. The species has deep purple flowers are long and tubular, held by the hundreds in airy panicles on stems about 3' tall. This new selection has pretty pink flowers. One of the most remarkable perennials in the late fall garden. Good for cutting. Morning sun or light shade, good drainage.
Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$225 US$438 US$850 N/A N/AThe gorgeous full-double form of our native bloodroot, long familiar to good gardeners, but seldom available. Easy in woodsy soil in light shade. Blooming size plants.
!With color Photo Labels!
Shibateranthis pinnatifida Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8
Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 US$700 N/A N/AAlso known as Eranthis pinnatifida, this is the Japanese relative of the Korean Shibaterantis stellata. This elegant species is a little more finely textured, but also with white flowers with dark stamens in early spring. Plant in well-drained humus rich soil in light to medium shade. Goes dormant in summer.
Shibateranthis Stellata Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8
Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 US$700 N/A N/AAlso known as Eranthis stellata. This elegant species is a little more finely textured, but also with white flowers with dark stamens in early spring. Plant in well-drained humus rich soil in light to medium shade. Goes dormant in summer.
Smilacina japonica Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$100 US$188 US$350 N/A N/AJapanese counterpart to our native false Solomon's seal, with creamy terminal clusters of flowers in spring.
Symplocarpus nipponicus Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8
Fall 2005 US$275 US$525 US$1,000 N/A N/AThis dwarf Japanese skunk cabbage is rarely seen in cultivation. It is a miniature of our native species, about 1/4 size. Dark purple-black flowers appear in late winter. Easy is moist to wet soil in shade.
Syneilesis palmata Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$100 US$188 US$350 US$1,625 US$3,000Woodland composite from Northeast Asia. I spring the new leaves are silky silvery umbrellas, a delight to see and touch. In summer, fuzzy white flowers bloom on tall stalks.
Tanakaea radicans Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-8 Fall 2005 US$163 US$313 US$600 US$2,875 US$5,500Creeping evergreen perennial for the rock garden or trough, native to China and Japan. Oval, leathery leaves form a mat at ground level, between and over rocks. Clusters of small white flowers bloom in late spring. Moist, well-drained soil in shade.
Tofieldia coccinea Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 N/A N/A N/ATufted grassy East Asian perennial, white flowers in June.
Tofieldia nuda var. furusei Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$200 US$375 N/A N/A N/ADwarf tufted Japanese perennial with starry white flowers in July..
Trypterospermum japonicum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 6-9 Fall 2005 US$125 US$238 US$450 N/A N/AEvergreen climing plants with pale purple flower and red fruit.
Typhonium divaricatum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 7-9 Fall 2005 US$150 US$275 US$500 N/A N/AAroid from Ryukyu Island, very large leaves, large red/purple flowers.
!NEW! Veratrum maackii var. japonicum Number 25 50 100 500 1,000Zones 4-8 Fall 2005 US$300 N/A N/A N/A N/AJapanese perennial that like rich moist soil and shade., growing to 2-3' tall. The near black flowers are unique in the shade garden. @